How to Record Training Videos on Computer in 6 Steps

Posted on: Jun. 29, 2021

Making a well-received training video doesn't necessarily require fancy gears or hire a professional camera crew. For most people, the most budget-friendly way is to record a training video on your computer.

Whether you intend to make a corporate training video or workout training video, all you need is an affordable camera or webcam, a pc, and a video editor plus a workable plan.

In this post, we will walk you through an A-to-Z guide to how to record an engaging training video on your computer with bonus tips.


6 Steps to Record a Training Video on Your PC

First and foremost, making a great training video is more than recording its self. Whatever training video you will cover, you'd better follow the 6 basic steps:

Step 1 Decide Your Topic

Having an interesting topic is essential to excite and engage the target viewers.

For example, if you want to record a workout training video about how to quickly lose belly fat, you'd better google about the common complaint of people who tried very hard yet just can't burn their belly fat.

Whether it is due to unprofessional training plans, or the unhealthy diet, etc. In other words, knowing what target viewers are struggling with or their specific pain points will pave a great way to record a thumb-stopping training video.

Survey to find the ideal topic to record a training video

Survey to find the ideal topic to record a training video

To get an ideal topic for your training video, you can do it by:

  • Google the topics on Reddit or Quora, etc.
  • Use free Seo tools to check keywords with high search volume, if you are primarily recording an online training video.
  • Check relevant forums or threads to familiarize yourself with the issues target audiences are interested in.
  • Check on YouTube what similar training videos are about, and decide what will be your focus in your training video. Check how to make an instructional video on YouTube.
  • Step 2 Prepare Slides, Video Footage, Images, and Script

    The next step is to prepare the slides of the PowerPoint presentation, the video footage, and the images you need. Find out how to do a voiceover on PowerPoint

    The most crucial thing is to write the script for the video recording. You don't necessarily need to follow suit to draw storyboards if you are not good at drawing.

    Simply create a list of "Action" and "Audio Narration" for each scene. That's will be enough. It will stop you from rumbling during the actual recording and give you a clear mind for what you should be focusing on for different scenes.

    Write a script with actions and audio narrations for the training video

    Write a script with actions and audio narrations for the training video

    Step 3 Get Your Recording Gears Ready

    As mentioned above, you don't necessarily need to have the high-end camera gears to record a training video.

    To record a training video, all you need is:

  • A compact camera or elementary DLSR with a recording feature
  • A budget tripod
  • LED light
  • A clip-on external mike like the lightweight Boya-M1
  • If you don't have a camera, a budget-friendly external webcam attached to the top of your computer screen could also be a great alternative. Check the top webcam recorders in 2021

    Besides, you also need a screen recorder and a video editor on your PC to easily record your PowerPoint slides on your screen with your webcam and voiceovers and for editing the recorded video subsequently.

    A free and versatile option is using the RecordCast, an in-browser screen recorder with a built-in video editor. You can instantly access its online screen recorder with no software and extension download needed and select “screen+ webcam” recording mode for recording, while both internal and mic audio can be recorded.

    Use Liston to record a training video with ease

    Use Liston to record a training video with ease

    Step 4 Screen Record the Training Video with Voiceovers and WebCam

    Firstly, have all the slides open and video footage and images prepared. Then turn off all the irrelevant apps and notifications to create a clear desktop for screen recording.

    Next, open RecordCast's online screen recorder and select "Screen + Webcam" with both "Microphone and System Audio" included for the screen recording. Then you can proceed with recording as planned.

    Customize the video and audio recording for the training video

    Customize the video and audio recording for the training video

    Step 5 Edit the Training Video

    After you are done with the recording, hit the stop button. Then you can immediately import the training video recording to the web-based video editor.

    Edit recorded training video by Liston’s video editor

    Edit recorded training video by Liston’s video editor

    Now you can place it on the timeline and easily trim the unwanted recordings or add texts, transitions, and dynamic arrows or call-to-action emojis to annotate the training video when needed.

    Meanwhile, you can add overlays or your watermark for the branding or import new media sources to take your training video to the next level. Finally, with one click, download the edited training video in MP4 (1080P) to the local drive or share it to your YouTube channel or Dropbox.

    Step 6 Find a Host to Share Your Training Video

    One of the most underrated steps for recording a training video is how and where you share it.

    If you plan to post the recorded training video on YouTube, Vimeo or DailyMotion, or Twitch, make sure you know:

  • The maximum and minimum resolution of the required video
  • Use an HD thumbnail
  • Write a catchy title
  • Clearly show what viewers can benefit from watching this training video in the description
  • Add relevant tags with high CTR using free SEO tools
  • Get a sharable link or embed code to add it to your blog post
  • Share it on other social media like Facebook, Twitter, or relevant forums, etc to reach wider audiences.
  • Bonus Tips to Record Thumb-stopping Training Videos

    Finally, we also would like to offer you more battlefield-tested tips to help you make and record professional training videos.

  • Balance the educational and entertaining content in your training video.
  • Use visual effects, your sense of humor, and animations to keep your audience engaged.
  • Use more case studies to illustrate your points, rather than preaching.
  • Keep your training video short, punchy, and straight to the point.
  • Record an interactive training video by leaving viewers time and negative space for thinking and reflecting; then reveal the answer and give comments.
  • Don't choke your training videos or slides with words. Instead, combine a few keywords with more vivid graphics and animations.
  • Practice the audio narration a lot and keep a moderate talking pace.
  • Don't feel reluctant to show your big smiles and friendly and assuring tone on the webcam. It shortens the distance between viewers and you.
  • Final Thoughts

    Hopefully, now you know how to record a great training video after reading our post. If you have a low budget, having a free and user-friendly screen recorder as RecordCast can save your day.

    So, without further ado, let's get started recording your first training video now. Or if you have better solutions, don't hesitate to share them with us on our Facebook.

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